Video Lecture Series from IIT Professors :
Digital System design with PLDs and FPGAs by Prof. Kuruvilla Varghese sir
Prof. Kuruvilla Varghese
Principal Research Scientist
DESE, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012
Tel: +91 80 2293 3092
Design: Hierarchy, controller (FSM), case study, meta-stability, synchronization, FSM issues, timing issues, pipelining, resource sharing.
VHDL: Different models, simulation cycles, process, concurrent
and sequential statements, loops, delay models, library packages, functions, procedures, synthesis, test bench.
PLD: SPLD and CPLD architecture, timing, applications.
F P G A : Logic block and routing architecture, Virtex-II, Stratix architectures, constraints, STA, case study.
References :
1. Jon F Wakerl y, Di gi tal Desi gn: Pri nci pl es and Practi ces, Prenti ce Hal l .
2. Kevi n Skahi l , VHDL for programmabl e l ogi c, Addi son Wesl ey.
3. Zai nal abedi n Navabi , VHDL, anal ysi s and model i ng of di gi tal systems, McGraw-Hi l l .
4. PLD, FPGA data sheets.
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